
Tighe, E., Magidin de Kramer, R., Seabrum, X., Parmer, D., Kallista, D., Nussbaum, D & Mandell, J., (March 2021). AJPP Technical Report 2020: ZIP Code-Based Jewish Population Estimates. Brandeis University.

Saxe, L., Parmer, D., Tighe, L., Magidin de Kramer, R., Kallista, D., Nussbaum, D., Seabrum, X., & Mandell, J. (March 2021). American Jewish Population Estimates 2020: Summary & Highlights. Brandeis University.

Tighe, E., Parmer, D., Kallista, D., Nussbaum, D., Magidin de Kramer, R., Seabrum, X., & Saxe, L. (May 2020). National Profile of the Jewish Electorate. Brandeis University.

Nussbaum, D., Tighe, E., Parmer, D., Kallista, D., Magidin de Kramer, R., Seabrum, X., & Saxe, L. (September 2020). Vote! American Jews at the Ballot Box. Brandeis University.

Tighe, E., Parmer, D., Kallista, D., Nussbaum, D., Magidin de Kramer, R., Seabrum, X., & Saxe, L. (February 2021). National Profile of the Jewish Electorate: Jewish Independents. Brandeis University.

Nussbaum, D., Tighe, E., Parmer, D., Kallista, D., Magidin de Kramer, R., Seabrum, X., & Saxe, L. (February 2021). The Jewish Electorate: Young Adults. Brandeis University.

Tighe, E., Magidin de Kramer, R., Parmer, D., Nussbaum, D., D., Kallista, Seabrum, X., & Saxe, L. (October 2019). American Jewish Population Estimates 2019: Summary & Highlights. Brandeis University.

Magidin de Kramer, R., Tighe, E., Saxe, L., & Parmer, D. (2018). Assessing the Validity of Data Synthesis Methods to Estimate Religious Populations. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 57. DOI: 10.1111/jssr.12513.

Saxe, L., Tighe, E., & Boxer, M. (2014). Measuring the Size and Characteristics of American Jewry: A New Paradigm to Understand an Ancient People. In Uzi Rebhun Ed., Studies in Contemporary Jewry, Vol 27, pp 27-54. New York: Oxford University Press.

Saxe, L. & Tighe, E. (2013). Estimating and Understanding the Jewish Population in the United States: A Program of Research. Contemporary Jewry, 33, 43-62.

Tighe, E., Saxe, L., Kramer, R. & Parmer, D. (September 2013). American Jewish Population Estimates: 2012. Brandeis University.

Tighe, E., Kramer, R., Saxe, L., Nursahedov, B. & Rieser, M. (January 2013). Jewish Elderly Nazi Victims: Update. In RE: Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation. Report prepared for the Honorable Edward Korman, Chief Judge, Eastern District of New York.

Tighe, E., Kramer, R., Bleckman, D., Nursahedov, B., & Saxe., L. (November 2012). Hardship And Needs Of Elderly Hesed Clients: An Analysis Of Clients Served By Hesed Service Centers In Russia & Ukraine. Brandeis University.

Tighe, E., Kramer, R., Bleckman, D., Nursahedov, B., & Saxe., L. (November 2012). Research Brief, Hardship And Needs Of Elderly Hesed Clients: An Analysis Of Clients Served By Hesed Service Centers In Russia & Ukraine. Brandeis University.

Tighe, E., Saxe, L., & Kadushin, C. (October 2012). Cross-Survey Analysis to Enumerate Low Incidence Religious Groups in the United States: Study of the U.S. Jewish Population. Paper presented at the International Conference on Methods for Surveying and Enumerating Hard-to-Reach Populations, New Orleans, LA.

Tighe, E., & Saxe, L. (July 2012). Combining Data from Complex Surveys to Compensate for Limitations in Targeted Surveys of Rare Groups: A Study of the Jewish Population in the United States. Paper presented at the RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Sydney, Australia.

Tighe, E., Magidin de Kramer, R., Bleckman, D., Nursahedov, B., & Saxe., L. (June 2012). Children at Risk in The FSU & Eastern Europe: A Review of Economic and Social Indica-tors for Children Served By Hesed Service Centers. Brandeis University.

Tighe, E., Saxe, L., & Kadushin, C. (November 2011). Estimating the Jewish Population of the United States: 2000-2010. Brandeis University.

Tighe, E., Livert, D., Barnett., M. & Saxe, L. (2010). Cross-Survey Analysis to Estimate Low Incidence Religious Groups. Sociological Methods and Research, 39, 56-82.

Tighe, E., Livert, D., Saxe, L. & Barnett, M. (May 2008). Cross-Survey Analysis to Estimate Low Incidence Religious Groups . Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the American Association of Public Opinion Research, New Orleans, LA.

Kadushin, C. & Tighe, E., (2008). How Hard is it to be a Jew on College Campuses? Contemporary Jewry, 28 , 1, 1-20.

Saxe, L., Tighe, E., Phillips, B. & Kadushin, C., (2007). Reconsidering the Size and Characteristics of the American Jewish Population: New Estimates . Steinhardt Institute for Social Research, Brandeis University.

Tighe, E., Saxe, L., (2006). Community-based Substance Abuse Reduction and the Gap between Treatment Need and Treatment Utilization: Analysis of Data from the Fighting Back General Population Survey. Journal of Drug Issues, 36 , 293-310.

Tighe, E., Saxe, L., & Livert, D. (May 2006). Research synthesis of national survey estimates of the U.S. Jewish population. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Conference of the American Association of Public Opinion Research, Montreal, Canada.

Saxe, L., Kadushin, C., Tighe, E., Beveridge, A., Brodsky, A., Livert, D., & Rinskopf, D. (2006). Community-based prevention programs in the war on drugs: Findings from the Fighting Back demonstration. Journal of Drug Issues, 36 , 261-292.

Saxe, L., & Tighe, E. (April 2006). Research synthesis of national survey estimates of the U.S. Jewish population: Project summary . Brandeis University.

Saxe, L. & Tighe, E. (November, 2005). A Tale of Numerators and Denominators: Finding the Narrative in the Numbers . Presentation at the Inaugural conference of the Steinhardt Social Research Institute, Waltham, MA.

Tighe, E., Saxe, L., Leavitt, T., Hecht, S. & Hahn, A. (April 2004). Assessment of Methods to Quantify Neediness among Jewish Nazi Victims. In RE: Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation. Report prepared for the Honorable Edward Korman, Chief Judge, Eastern District of New York.

Saxe, L. & Tighe, E. (2004). Particularism in an Age of Universalism: Is Fostering Religious Identity Socially Valuable? Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Washington, DC.

Hahn, A., Hecht, S., Leavitt, T., Saxe, L., Tighe, E. (2003). Jewish Elderly Nazi Victims: A Synthesis of Comparative Information on Hardship and Need in the United States, Israel, and the Former Soviet Union . Brandeis University.

Tighe, E., Picariello, M. & Amabile, T.M. (2003). Environmental Influences on Motivation and Creativity in the Classroom. In John Houtz (Ed.), The Educational Psychology of Creativity . Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc..

Tighe, E. (February 2002). Brandeis Tutorial Program: Summary of Evaluative Data . Report prepared for the Dean of Arts and Sciences, Brandeis University.

Saxe, L., Kadushin, C., Livert, D., Tighe, E., Ford, J., Beveridge, A. & Rindskopf, D. (2001). The visibility of illicit drugs: Implications for community-based drug control strategies. American Journal of Public Health, 91, 1987-1994.

Parmley, M., Burdzovic, J., Tighe, E., & Saxe, L. (2001). Risk and Resiliency: Community Influence on Attitudes and Substance Use Among Youth . Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, Toronto.

Tighe, E., Kadushin, C. & Saxe, L. (April 2000). Treatment in Vallejo: Fighting Back General Population Survey 1995, 1997, 1999. Brandeis University.

Kadushin, C., Saxe, L., Livert, D., Tighe, E., Rindskopf, D., Beveridge, A., Brodsky, A. & Buteau, E. (2000). Fighting Back Household Survey: Interim Report of 1995-1999 Findings . Report prepared for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Saxe, L. & Tighe, E. (1999). The View from Main Street and the View from 40,000 Feet: Can a National Evaluation Understand Local Communities? New Directions in Program Evaluation, 83, 67-86.

Tighe, E. & Saxe, L. (1998). SBU Alcohol Treatment Research Synthesis . Report prepared for the Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care.

Tighe, E. & Saxe, L. (1998). Social Change in Action: Fighting Back Against Substance Abuse . Paper presented at the convention of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Ann Arbor, MI.

Livert, D., M.S., Kadushin, C., Saxe, L., Beveridge, A., Rindskopf, D., Tighe, E., Hoffman, J., Kelner, S., Barreras, R., & Ford, J. (1998). Fighting Back Evaluation Interim Report: Wave II General Population Survey . Report prepared for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Edwards, K. & Tighe, E. (1998). Review of “The Psychology of Attitudes.” Contemporary Social Psychology, 18 , 3–9.

Kadushin, C., Jones, D., Lindholm, M., Livert, D., Rindskopf, D., Saxe, L., Hallfors, D., Tighe, E., and Beveridge, A. (August 1998). On What to do when Almost Nothing Works . Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA.

Tighe, E., Reber, E., & Saxe, L. (1997). Integrating multiple sources of data to assess systematic change: The Fighting Back Evaluation. TABrief, 3, 1, (10-11).

Tighe, E., Larson, M.J., & Saxe, L. (July 1997). Alcohol-related Mortality as an Indicator of Community Harm . Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

Tighe, E., Saxe, L., and Hallfors, D. (July 1997). Research Synthesis of the Alcohol Treatment Literature . Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

Tighe, E., Beveridge, A., Larson, M.J., & Saxe, L. (May 1997). Fighting Back: Community Intervention to Reduce Substance Abuse Harm . Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology, Washington, DC, 1997.

Livert, D. & Tighe, E. (August 1997). Fighting Back: Survey Data and Social Indicators . Paper presented at the 105th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Beveridge, A., Tighe, E., Larson, M.J., Rindskopf, D., Livert, D., et al. (1997). Monitoring Archival Indicators of Alcohol and other Drug Harm. Report prepared for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Tighe, L. & Edwards, K. (1996). The Affective and Cognitive Determinants of Attitudes . Presentation at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, San Francisco, CA.

Saxe, L., Reber, E., Hallfors, D., Kadushin, C., Jones, D., Beveridge, A., Rindskopf, D., Larson, M.J., Winick, C., Tighe, L., Watson, K., Lindholm,
M., Stirratt, M., Livert, D., Suazo-Garcia, B., & Weber, S. (1996). Lessons from the Evaluation of Fighting Back at Mid-Project. Report prepared for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Amabile, T.M., Hill, K.G., Hennessey, B.A., & Tighe, E. (1994). The work preference inventory: Assessing intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66 , 950-967.

Tighe, L. & Edwards, K. (1994). Dominance and Consistency in Affect-Based and Cognition-Based Attitudes . Paper presented at the convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence, RI.

Edwards, K. & Tighe, L. (1994). Capturing the Elusive Affective Component of Attitudes: Issues of Conceptualization and Measurement. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Lake Tahoe, NV.

Edwards, K., Tighe, L., & Schwartz, J. (1994). The Functions of Attitudes and their Affective and Cognitive Bases . Presentation at the convention of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC.

Amabile, T.M. & Tighe, E. (1993). Questions of Creativity. In J. Brockman (Ed.), Creativity: The Reality Club 4 . New York: Simon & Schuster.

Greene, A.S., Tighe, E., Saxe, L., & Conti, R. (1992). Attitudes about war: Implications of the war with Iraq. Contemporary Social Psychology, 15 , 153-160.

Greene, A.S., Tighe, E., Saxe, L., & Conti, R. (1992). Attitudes about War: Implications of the War with Iraq . Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Tighe, E. (1991). Mood Effects on Creativity are Mediated by Intrinsic Motivation . Presented at the American Psychological Society’s Stony Brook Student Caucus at the convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY. First Place Award for Research.